How to Handle Menopause Symptoms at Home
Have a talk with your doctor and find out what menopause is really about. It doesn't have to be the big, scary monster in the closet.Have a list of symptoms ready to discuss with her. Chances are, she has had this talk with many, many other patients in her practice. Consider if you want to rely on synthetic hormones to help manage your physical symptoms. If not, you can research several herbal preparations and discuss them with your doctor.
If you have a family history of breast, cervical or ovarian cancer, be careful what you take to help with your symptoms. You may want to take a close look at herbal remedies, or just decide to "tough out" your hot flashes and other symptoms.
Wear layered clothing, especially in the hotter and colder months, in order to deal with your hot flashes. When you get hot, take off a sweater or vest. When you cool down, put it back on. Bring a small fan to work to help you maintain a more regular body temperature when your hot flashes hit. Keep some cool water nearby and drink liberally. You can also keep a small mister bottle handy so that, when you get hot, you can spray yourself and cool down more quickly. If you wish, add a few drops of your favorite cologne. Invest in an inexpensive body spray, in a scent you like, for the same purpose. Refrigerate the water or body spray to help you cool down more effectively.
For your vaginal dryness, invest in a tube of lubricating gel (but not petrolatum). Use as needed so you can manage dryness and/or soreness.
If you really can't handle the symptoms, go to a food co-op or health-food store and buy some herbal tea with black cohosh. Drink up to the recommended number of cups a day and see if it helps. You can also find cream and lotion preparations with black cohosh that you can rub into your skin. Allowing this herb into your body through your skin may also provide some relief for your more bothersome symptoms.
Start making written lists to compensate for your forgetfulness. It's sad but true: We need to resort to pen and paper to address this menopausal symptom. Keep scrap paper handy and buy small memo pads and a small pen to store in your purse. When you think of an item for your shopping list, jot it down. When you think of something you have to do that you don't want to forget, jot that down as well.
Tell your friends, partner, children and family if you are feeling moody. Chances are, they will take your cue and either leave you alone to work through it (if that is what you prefer) or help to bring you out of your doldrums. If you are alone when your moodiness strikes, have some upbeat CDs ready to listen to. Keep materials for a favorite activity handy, such as a craft project or a favorite book, so you can relax and make yourself feel better.Try drinking a glass of iced tea or a cup of hot tea--black or herbal--so you can relax further and ease yourself into a better, happier frame of mind.