How to Deal With Menopause Related Stress
Things You'll Need
- Fitness attire
Work breathing exercises into your daily routine. Often, we subconsciously increase our breathing rate when we are stressed. By simply slowing down and controlling your breath, you can reduce stress and anxiety. Close your eyes and slowly inhale, allowing oxygen to fill your lungs. Slowly exhale, at the same rate at which you inhaled. Continue breathing in this slow, deep manner for 5 to 10 minutes. Aim to perform this breathing exercise two to four times throughout your day.
Get daily exercise. Studies have shown that it can significantly reduce menopause-related stress. Simple cardiovascular activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, will help increase circulation and relax the body. Plan to get exercise for about 20 to 30 minutes, three to five times each week.
Drink plenty of water. As menopause causes temperature fluctuations in your body, it's even more important to stay hydrated. Try to consume between 64 and 80 oz. of water each day. If you exercise, you'll need to increase that amount. Dehydration places additional stress on the body.
Consume a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients. While you can take a multivitamin designed for menopausal women, it's wise to get as many nutrients as possible from fresh food. Poor nutrition can seriously tax your body. Do yourself a favor and maintain a proper diet.
Begin practicing yoga, which has been shown to have positive effects on menopause-related stress. Not only are you toning and stretching your muscles, but you're also allotting time for meditation. This will help to reduce stress and encourage calmness throughout your mind and body. Try a yoga class at your local gym or purchase a DVD to practice on your own at home.
Simplify your life. If you are constantly on the go, you may be over-scheduling yourself and not giving your body the time it needs to unwind. Rather than going out to dinner with a friend, have her come over and order food in. You'll feel more relaxed in this home environment. Spread your appointments out over several days rather than cramming them all into one or two days. You can simplify your schedule in various ways that will relieve stress.
Treat yourself. Take time out of every day to do something nice for yourself. Whether this means curling up with a good book for 30 minutes, lingering over a cup of tea or relaxing in the bathtub, it's important that you give yourself space to unwind and relax. If you carve out some comfort time for yourself every day, you'll notice yourself feeling less stressed over time.