How to Stop Birth Control Pills During Premenopause
Things You'll Need
- Health evaluation
- Medical tests
- Natural progesterone
- Hormone replacement therapy
Visit your doctor for an evaluation. Before you can stop birth control during premenopause, your doctor needs to give you a complete evaluation (along with medical tests) in order to determine the best time for you to stop taking the pill. Your doctor must also check your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to find out how close you are to menopause. Depending on the type of pill you are taking, your doctor may start off by switching you to a lower dosage birth control pill first. Switching you to a low-dose birth control pill first can help your body transition a lot easier during premenopause.
Make adjustments to your diet. Before you stop taking birth control pills, you should establish a healthy diet to follow, which should consist of plenty whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Be sure to add soy to your diet and reduce or eliminate your caffeine and alcohol intake. Eating healthful food can keep you feeling good, gives you energy and helps to reduce the side effects you may experience when you stop taking birth control pills during premenopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disorders, mood swings and decreased sexual desire).
Get plenty of exercise. In addition to eating healthy, you should participate in physical activities, like walking, jogging, aerobics, tennis or swimming. Engaging in a regular exercise program helps to keep you healthy and fit.
Complete your last pack of pills. Your doctor will inform you when you can stop taking birth control pills. It is important to complete the entire pack of pills for that cycle and do not skip any of them.
Take a natural progesterone supplement. After you stop taking birth control pills, you may need to use a progesterone product to help with the side effects. Since the synthetic progestins in birth control pills typically reduce the levels of natural progesterone in your body, your doctor may suggest that you take the natural progesterone supplement to support the hormonal imbalance. This product comes in the form of a pill, vaginal cream and patch, and your doctor can help you choose the appropriate one to use.
Use hormonal therapy to treat the side effects. Depending on how close you are to entering menopause, your doctor may switch you to estrogen replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy immediately after you stop taking birth control pills. HRT can help you better cope with the common side effects of menopause.