How to Treat Vaginal Cysts
Finding the cause of the cyst is the first step; to do this you will need to see your healthcare provider. The type of cyst you have will determine how is is treated. One of the treatment options is surgery, which can often be performed in the office itself.
When examining of your pelvis, the doctor may see or feel a mass or bulge of the vaginal wall. A biopsy may be necessary to rule out vaginal cancer, especially if the mass appears to be solid. Benign tumors of the vagina are uncommon, but are usually made up of cysts.
If the cyst is located under the bladder or urethra, X-rays may be required to determine that the cyst does not involve these structures.
Routine examination and observation of the cysts (for growth or other changes) may be the only treatment needed. Surgical excision may also be opted for--or even required, if the cyst is causing symptoms.