How to Cure Menstruation Blood Loss Fears
Women's menstrual cycles can go through a number of changes during their lifetime and most of them are perfectly normal. Nonetheless, frequent heavy periods can lead some women to fear excessive blood loss. The best way to cure blood loss fears is to be prepared with a plan for dealing with cycle changes.Instructions
Relax. Changes in blood flow are common. One cycle of heavy blood flow isn't likely to indicate a serious problem, and stress can only make you feel worse. Wait and see if the pattern continues next month.
Make an appointment with your gynecologist. You should be seeing a gynecologist annually as soon as you begin experiencing regular periods. Most of the time a routine checkup will let you know if your blood flow is normal or excessive.
Request specific tests if you're still concerned. You can request a measurement of menstrual loss from a sanitary napkin (as unpleasant as this may seem), request a menstrual seal such as Gynaeseal to collect blood, ask for an ultrasound or even test for anemia. If the tests indicate your blood flow, uterus, and blood count is normal, you can relax. If your doctor does detect a problem, you'll be glad you caught it early.
Get a second opinion. If you still have doubts after all the tests are in, consult another gynecologist or physician.