How to Buy Feminine Products Without Being Embarrassed
Know what you want when you arrive at the store and walk directly to the aisle, grab what you need and move on to your other shopping. You can tuck your more embarrassing products discreetly into your basket as you continue with your shopping.
Have confidence when you go the store to purchase feminine hygiene products. If you are forced to checkout with a male clerk, remain confident and remember that he is probably far more embarrassed than you are. Feminine hygiene products are a fact of life, and any female checker will completely sympathize. Male checkers, however embarrassed, must deal with these sorts of purchases multiple times a day.
Make large purchases, stocking up on your feminine products so that you aren't forced to relive the same embarrassment each and every month. While buying hygiene products in bulk may increase the embarrassing moment at the cash register, you can breathe easy knowing you only have to do it a few times each year.
Shop at a supermarket which has a full pharmacy and make your purchases at their more private register. You can ask the pharmacist directly for condoms, vaginal creams and pregnancy tests and make all of your purchases direct at the pharmacy. Your purchases will be placed discreetly in a bag and you can then continue with your regular shopping.
Consider buying your more embarrassing products online. While not a good option when time is a factor, you can order any product you can find in a supermarket or over the counter in a pharmacy online. Having your items mailed to you in a sealed package is a great way to avoid embarrassment altogether.
Cut down on your feminine hygiene purchases by switching to reusable products. It may sound shocking and scary at first, but washable pads and sponges or cups that catch your menstrual flow help the environment, save you money and are chemical free. While it takes a bit of getting used to, most women who try reusable methods never go back to an embarrassing purchase at the supermarket.