How to Have a Worry-Free Period
Change your tampon or pad frequently to help prevent leaks of menstrual blood. If you have a heavy flow, this is especially important. However, even if you have a light to moderate menstrual flow, changing your tampon or pad frequently can minimize any worries you may have about leaking and staining your clothing.
Carry extra underwear and bottoms with you to work or school in the event of any leaking. If you find that you have leaked menstrual blood onto your underwear or pants, for example, having backup clothing can make you feel better and less self-conscious. Knowing that you have backup items will help minimize any worry you may experience during your period.
Limit your activity level if you don't feel well during your period or if you have an especially heavy flow. Some women with a heavy flow may find that their flow will slow down if they limit their activities. If this is the case with you, consider taking it easy during your period and only doing things that you must do. This can help minimize your worry. If you don't feel well during your period, limiting your activity level can also help you to feel better and cut down on worry during your period.
Start taking medication a few days prior to the first day of your menstrual period. If you typically experience cramping or bloating during your menstrual period, taking medication, such as ibuprofen, for a few days prior to the start of your period can help prevent or minimize such symptoms. Knowing that you have taken measures to help minimize the painful or annoying symptoms that accompany your menstrual period can help you have a worry-free period after all.
Prepare for your menstrual period. If you expect your period to arrive in the next few days, carry tampons or pads with your in your purse when you go out. Knowing that you won't get caught off guard in a public restroom will help minimize your worry. Furthermore, be sure to always keep your bathroom at home well stocked with feminine protection. Few things are worse than finding out that your period has started at 2:00 a.m. and you realize you have no protection at home.