How to Reduce Risk for a Yeast Infection
What to Avoid
Avoid keeping the vagina wet for extended periods of time. Keeping the vagina exposed to moist conditions for long periods can make for a perfect breeding ground for yeast. Yeast is a fungus and fungi tend to grow almost only in moist conditions. You are advised to keep the vaginal area dry most of the day by using medicated powder that prevents moisture for developing in excess and taking a shower immediately after workout or work if you work in sweaty environments. If you have an ongoing problem with this, you should talk to your doctor about prescription feminine powders that may be available.
Avoid the use of chemical deodorants and talc products around the vaginal area. It is understandable for a woman to want to look and smell her best; however, using chemical deodorants around the vaginal area can create an environment where yeast can flourish and grow. If you are looking for something for feminine freshness and dryness, there are a number of products on the market you could try that are completely safe and won't trigger yeast infection. If you have trouble choosing the right product, ask your local pharmacist or your OB/GYN.
Keep the amount of sugar in your diet to a minimum. If you have frequent problems with yeast infections, the amount of sugar in your blood will might explain this. Blood sugar helps yeast grow and develop; therefore, laying the groundwork for frequent yeast infections. If you have diabetes, it is important for you to keep your blood sugar under control for various reasons including reduction of yeast infections. If you don't have diabetes, sometimes making simple changes to your daily diet such as removing white breads, candies and cakes from your diet can help you keep yeast infections at a minimum.