How to Influence Dreams
Dreams have been a thing of fascination since the dawn of time. When we wake up from a nightmare, it can often be a relief to once again meet with reality. When we wake up from a dream in which our wildest wishes have come true, waking up can be a bitter experience. Many wish to have dreams somewhere in the middle of the two, and many want dreams that will help them solve their problems or help them choose between two paths in life. Some would love to have an Oz sort of dream. Below you will find ways that you can actually influence the dreams that you have in your sleep.Instructions
Think vividly at night as soon as you lie down in bed. Give yourself strong thoughts and suggestions for your sleep. Your brain often picks up on these.
Turn on a movie as you go to sleep. Leave it on repeat. Giving your brain input all during the night can influence the direction that it takes. Sometimes your brain picks up on certain things in the movie, and can twist it in a whole other way.
Eat cheddar cheese if you want to dream about celebrities. According to a study done by the British Cheese Board in 2006, cheese can influence the sort of dreams that you have.
Leave on classical music as you drift into slumber if you'd like relaxing dreams. Get a massage before going to sleep. Anything that you can do to physically relax the body will also have that affect on the brain.
Ask yourself a question all through the day if you are trying to solve a problem or make a decision in your life. Think that question dozens of times as you try to go to sleep. Often you will get answers in your dreams. Don't take action based solely on your dreams, though. It's your mind trying to make sense of all it has absorbed in the day, and it should not be taken as literally as some do take dreams.