How to Avoid Miscarriage

Miscarriage can be a traumatic experience. Miscarriage usually occurs in the first trimester (the first three months) of pregnancy and is often caused by a genetic defect. Certain health conditions and lifestyle factors can increase your risk factors however there are steps you can take to reduce risk of miscarriage.


  1. How to Avoid a Miscarriage

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      Get proper medical care as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Early health care can make a difference in having a healthy pregnancy.

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      If you already have an existing health condition follow up with your physician once you become pregnant. Ask questions and express your concerns. If you take any medications consult wtith your physician about the effects they may have on your unborn child and how your health conditions may affect your pregnancy. Being informed is an important step toward a healthy pregnancy.

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      Eat healthy. A healthy diet can ensure that you and your baby get the nutrients you need. Cut back on salt and processed foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

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      Stop smoking. Women who smoke are have a higher risk of miscarriage than those who don't smoke. If you smoke, stop now. Don't put your unborn child at risk.

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      Steer clear of alcohol and caffeine. Don't drink alcohol. When you drink so does your unborn baby. Alcohol passes through the placental barrier and affects the developing fetus. Cut coffee and other caffeinated beverages from your diet during pregnancy. Caffeine has recently been linked to miscarriage. Take precautions and avoid caffeine.

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      Bed rest may be recommended if you are already at a high risk of miscarriage or if you've experienced any pain and/or bleeding.

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      Refrain from sex if you've experienced any pain or bleeding. Consult your physician to make sure you're not in danger of miscarriage.

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