How to Deal With an Unexpected Period

Every woman has had times in her life when she has had to deal with an unexpected period. Unless you are one of the very few women who's menstrual cycle is always regular, there are times when your period comes and you are not expecting it. During the first couple of years of your period, your cycle could be very irregular.


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      Remain calm when the unexpected happens. If you feel blood dripping down your leg, or see a stain on your pants, get up quietly and go to the bathroom. Do not scream or draw attention to yourself.

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      Tie a sweatshirt or jacket around your waste if you have one with you. This helps to cover your butt, until you can get to the bathroom, in case your period has already leaked through your pants.

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      Assess the situation once you get to the bathroom. If your period has just started, you may have caught it before it leaked through your panties to your pants. Fold a piece of toilet paper several times to make it thicker and place it inside your panties to catch the menstrual blood until you can get a pad or tampon.

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      Tell a trusted adult what has happened. If possible, choose a female adult to talk to, so you feel more comfortable. Chances are good she has been in the same situation herself. If you have to talk to a male, just tell him you have had a female problem.

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      Go to the nurse's office if your unexpected menstrual period comes while you are in school. The nurse is used to this happening, and she has pads to help you get through the day. She might also have an extra pair of pants for you to change into if you have stained your clothing.

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