How to Prevent Yeast Infections With Acidophilus
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt or acidophilus capsules
Understand how acidophilus works against yeast. Many different microorganisms work with and against each other, to keep the human body healthy. Acidophilus is the microorganism that helps keep the candida, which causes yeast infections, from getting out of control.
Know where to find acidophilus. Yogurt naturally contains acidophilus. Therefore, if you enjoy yogurt then this is good news for you. You can simply eat one serving or more of yogurt each day to keep a steady source of acidophilus entering your body. On the other hand, if you aren't a huge fan of yogurt, you can take acidophilus capsules, which you can find at many drug stores. Take these as directed on the package.
Remember that antibiotics increase your chance of getting a yeast infection, because they also destroy the acidophilus in your body. Therefore, eat some extra yogurt while you are taking antibiotics. Alternatively, ask your doctor if it would be all right for you to take a little extra acidophilus to reduce your risk of developing an overgrowth of yeast.
Enjoy the additional benefits of acidophilus. Acidophilus reduces your risk of urinary infections. It helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract, as well as reduce your risk for cancer of the colon. In addition, Acidophilus provide many B vitamins that are essential for optimal health.