How to Deal With a Period
Have tampons or pads readily available for use during your period. You never want to run out or be without protection. Be sure to change your tampon or pad frequently as needed or as noted in the package directions.
Dress comfortably during your period. Pants that are too tight in the waist can feel uncomfortable especially if you have bloating or cramping. Choose dark-colored bottoms if you have a heavy flow or if you have concerns about leaking.
Take measures to relieve menstrual cramps. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, work well to lessen the intensity of menstrual cramps. A heating pad placed on your lower abdomen can also help loosen tight muscles. Exercise also can help alleviate cramping.
Rest if you feel fatigued. Many women feel extra tired during their periods. Try to take naps if you can or go to bed a bit early. Take it easy with your schedule and don't over commit yourself.
Eat well and limit foods high in salt, which can increase or cause bloating. Foods high in caffeine, such as soft drinks and coffee, can also cause additional cramping. A well-balanced diet will give you energy and help you feel your best during your period.
Shower or bathe regularly when you have your period. This will help you get rid of any unpleasant odor associated with menstrual blood and will make you feel clean and fresh.
Limit stress during your period. High levels of stress can cause cramping or make your menstrual cycles irregular.
Remember that your period is a normal bodily function. Having regular menstrual periods is a sign that your body is working properly. Take solace in the fact that women all over the world understand what you are going through and can commiserate.