How to Cure Hot Flashes Naturally
A natural way to help you beat hot flashesThings You'll Need
- Elderberry tincture
- hypnosis tape
- yoga tape
Avoid foods that make hot flashes worse. Spicy foods,sugary foods caffeine,chocolate, and alcohol can all increase the severity of hot flashes.
Listen to music or take up yoga. Both of which will relax and calm your nerves and hot flashes
Learn self hypnosis to help you relax and lessen the severity of your hot flashes. Most book stores contain a hypnosis section, or there are also numerous hypnosis downloads available on the internet
Take elderberry for your hot flashes. Herbalists often prescribe 25-50 drops of elderberry tincture several times a day to help relieve hot flashes.
Wear cool cotton clothing. It can also helpful to wear layers so that you can shed clothing quickly.
Be romantic, studies say that women who have sex at least once a week usually have fewer hot flashes.