How to Use a Pencil for Self Defense
Go for the face. Hold the pencil in your hand like a dagger, with the pointed end facing the attacker. Make a strong overhand swing towards the attacker's face. This will most likely shift his focus to protecting his eyes and might give you the chance to get away.
Stab his hand with the pencil. This is easiest to do if he has his hand down on a hard surface, because raised moving hands are hard to hit.
Jab the pencil into his thigh, arm or whichever body part is within your reach. Push hard enough to break the skin and embed the pencil into your attacker.
Apply pressure to pressure points on your attackers body using the eraser end or the long side of the pencil. Some good pressure points that might buy you time for escape when being attacked are the bridge of the nose and the temple. Applying pressure to the tendons on the underside of your attackers wrist might make him release his grasp on you if he is holding onto your arm or other body part.
Throw the pencil at your attacker only as a last resort. Remember once you have thrown your pencil you have lost your weapon and might be unarmed.
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