How to Treat Uterine Prolapse
Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel exercises, which involve naturally tensing and relaxing the vaginal area. Basically this exercise involves simulating the motion of holding back urine. Keep the muscles tight for a few seconds and release. Repeat 10 times.
Consult with your doctor to see if he thinks a pessary is necessary. This is a circular device that is inserted under the bottom of the uterus, holding the womb in place.
Review the risks and benefits of taking estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). ERT may slow further weakening of the pelvic muscles, saving the patient from further drastic treatment.
Consider surgical treatments. The uterus can be held in place by a surgically implanted sling, making it impossible for the uterus to prolapse. Another alternative is surgically removing the uterus through a procedure called a hysterectomy.
Lose weight, if possible. Make sure to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Any weight gain can make prolapse worsen.
Practice proper lifting techniques. Lifting incorrectly can put excess strain on the pelvic muscles, resulting in prolapse.