How to Be a Hottie After Menopause
Talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy, HRT. Some doctors recommend HRT for their postmenopausal patients to help to counteract some of the side effects of menopause, including hair loss and weight gain.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Limit the amount of junk food you eat, and watch out for high-calorie alcoholic beverages. Even if you could eat and drink whatever you wanted before menopause without weight gain, you might find that the pounds sneak up now if you do not limit your calories.
Get plenty of exercise, including weight-bearing exercise. As we age, we lose muscle weight, which is typically replaced with fat weight if we are not rebuilding muscle tissue.
Throw away your comb. As we age, our hair becomes more brittle and breaks easily. Combs can damage and break hair. It is better to use a soft-bristled brush after menopause to cut down on hair loss.
Buy clothes that fit you well and make you look like an attractive middle-aged woman. You do not have to dress like a 20-year-old to look like a hottie after menopause.