How to Learn Lamaze at Home
Read a book about Lamaze. You can learn how the patterned breathing technique works, how often the technique should be practiced and how to do the technique. By reading the book and practicing the technique at home, you can be prepared by the time of the birth.
Talk to women who have already used Lamaze during birth. Learn from them how to use it to your best advantage. Take any tips they have about the technique and listen to how it helped them during labor.
Get a video about Lamaze. There are teaching videos available that show women using the technique and explain how to do it properly. Many hospitals have videos available to those who will be giving birth in their facilities. Contact the hospital childbirth teacher for information about the videos.
Have your partner get involved when you learn Lamaze at home. The technique calls for a partner to coach the laboring woman and to remind her about the Lamaze breathing patterns. Practice often at home with that partner so that when labor does occur, you will both be well prepared to face it with the Lamaze method.