How to Cope With Hysterectomy Side Effects
Learn about possible side effects. Ask your doctor what side effects to expect right after surgery and long term. Side effects after surgery may vary depending on how the uterus was removed. Some surgeons remove the uterus abdominally. It can also be removed vaginally.
Exercise. Because of the change in hormone levels weight gain may occur. Be diligent about exercise. Find some type of cardiovascular exercise you enjoy and do it 3 or 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Lifting weights will also help prevent bone loss which may be a side effect of a hysterectomy.
Take estrogen therapy. Hysterectomy symptoms such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes may be treated with estrogen therapy. There are risks associated with estrogen therapy. Ask you doctor to explain the risks versus the benefits to help determine if hormone therapy is right for you.
Eat soy. Foods containing soy may help reduce some side effects of a hysterectomy such as moodiness, hot flashes and anxiety. Soy can be found in foods such as soybeans, soymilk and tofu. Soy is also available in pills and powder.
Talk to a counselor. With the hormonal changes that may occur some women may experience depression. Your doctor will be able to refer you to a counselor or therapist who will determine if antidepressants may help. For some women, dealing with the inability to carry a child will be a concern. Talking about feelings may help.
Get rest. Insomnia and fatigue may be a side effect of a hysterectomy. Maintain good sleep habits and take a nap when you can. Limit caffeine, which may make insomnia worse.