How to Fight Postpartum Depression With Vitamins
Increase Omega 3 fatty acids. A Harvard study showed that bi-polar patients stayed in remission longer and had less depression when taking higher doses of Omega 3's. You can purchase supplements and also eat more tuna, salmon, and walnuts.
Take a Vitamin B-3 supplement for more energy. Vitamin B-3 is necessary for the energy conversion. Many women feel sluggish during postpartum depression. Stay away from alcohol as it can cause Vitamin B-3 deficiency.
Use Vitamin E daily for immune system function and chronic fatigue.
Purchase some folic acid. Low levels of folic acid have been linked to depression in studies. Studies have shown that people recover from depression more quickly when they supplement with folic acid.
Incorporate more iron and calcium into your diet either with food an vitamins. Iron deficiency contributes to fatigue and calcium deficient people may have problems sleeping. Eat more whole grains, broccoli and dairy products.
Use zinc to fight loss in appetite or irritability. Foods with higher levels of zinc in them include wheat germ, whole grains and meats.