How to Treat PMS Bloating With Diuretics
Take an over-the-counter diuretic pill, also known as a water pill. Water pills should be taken in the morning or early afternoon so your frequent bathroom breaks don't affect your sleep.
Drink lots of water. It may seem counterintuitive, but drinking more water will help flush out salt and balance your body's fluid content so it will stop retaining excess fluid.
Take a vitamin B supplement. A lack of B-vitamins can contribute to the problem.
Drink green tea, a natural diuretic that has been used for centuries in China.
Steep dandelion root in water and drink it as tea. Adding some of the leaf to the tea can also be beneficial, as it aids in detoxification.
Try a tea blend that's made to treat symptoms of PMS. They contain herbs that help reduce bloating, such as fennel, along with other herbs that relieve cramping.
Flush out toxins by eating foods with high water content such as cucumbers and watermelon. Cucumbers are also rich in sulfur, which stimulates the kidneys and aids in removing uric acid.
Stimulate the kidneys and pancreas by eating brussel sprouts and asparagus.
Eat plenty of carrots, cabbage, lettuce, raw onions, garlic and tomatoes. These vegetables are thought to aid metabolism, hasten the breakdown of fatty deposits and release excess fluid.