How to Help a Wife with Menopause
Know the signs and symptoms of menopause. The more a husband knows about menopause, the better he can help his wife. If a husband knows to expect decreased libido, weight gain, depression, forgetfulness and hostility, as well as hot flashes and mood swings in his wife, he will be more prepared to handle menopause.
Communicate with your wife in a positive way. Joking about menopause is not a positive method of communication. Encourage her to talk about how she is feeling. She needs someone to talk to about the changes taking place and her options.
Persuade your wife to seek medical attention. Her health care provider will be able to discuss medical ways to handle her symptoms of menopause. She can ask advice and all questions she may have.
Support whatever decision she makes as to how to handle her menopause. Find out more about the variety of options she has. Support the option that she chooses.
Encourage your wife. Many women go through depression at this point of their lives. Their reproductive cycle has ceased and this is hard for many to manage. Showing your wife that she is still a vital beautiful woman will help her immensely.
Show your wife that you love her. A woman dealing with the changes of her body will need all the love you can give. The times that she will need your love will usually be the most difficult times.