How to Prevent Vaginitis
Practice good hygiene. After you use the restroom, wipe from front to back so that you do not spread bacteria to the vagina. Never let anything touch your vaginal area that has touched your rectal area. Wash your hands and bathe often.
Wear the right clothing. Wear loose fitting clothes and limit the time spent in tight clothes such as work-out gear, pantyhose or tight jeans. Also only wear cotton panties and try to go without underwear when you sleep at night.
Be fragrance-free. Keep perfumes and fragrances away from your vaginal area. Typical products to avoid include bubble bath, shower gel, scented tampons and pads, sprays, soaps and lotions.
Cut down on irritation. Try to only wear pads or tampons during your actual period. Do not douche. If you feel that you are getting vaginitis, refrain from scratching your vaginal area, despite the itching.
Eat plenty of yogurt. Yogurt has active cultures that have been proven to help women avoid vaginitis.
Have safe sex. Yeast infections and other forms of vaginitis can actually be passed back and forth between sexual partners. So even if you are in a monogamous relationship, use condoms if you are prone to infection.