How to Deal With Midcycle Spotting
Chart your cycle, including midcycle bleeding. This will help determine if there is an ongoing problem with your menstrual cycle. Also record how much you are bleeding and how many pads or tampons you use. Note if you experience cramps during the midcycle spotting.
Examine your birth control. Spotting is a common side effect from Depo-Provera and has also been reported in women who have an intrauterine device (IUD). Make sure you follow all instructions, such as taking birth control pills at the same time each day.
Evaluate your current lifestyle. Consider if you are going through more stress than normal or have recently gained or lost weight. These small factors could have a big impact on your menstrual cycle.
See your gynecologist. A gynecologist is the best person to determine the cause of menstrual problems and midcycle spotting. Bring the information you recorded in step 1 to your appointment.