How to Find a Women's Shelter
Dial 911 for emergency situations. Although you may want to leave your home immediately, it is best to involve law enforcement right away when faced with a life-threatening situation.
Call the family court in your area to obtain a list of local women's shelters. Ask the family court staff member about any restrictions the women's shelter imposes.
Find your local YWCA, which can provide you with temporary shelter and start you on the road to getting your self-esteem back. Search the YWCA Web site (see the Resources section below) to locate your nearest YWCA.
Contact your local law enforcement office to find women's shelters in your area. Law enforcement officials usually maintain a list of suitable shelters for victims of domestic violence.
Call the Rape, Abuse and **** National Network (RAINN) for emergency assistance when you can't find another suitable women's shelter. Learn more at the RAINN Web site (see Resources below), or call (800) 656-HOPE.
Speak with a victims' rights advocate at your women's shelter to learn how to press charges or obtain a restraining order against your abuser.
Seek support through the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (see Resources below). Local chapters in your area can get you the help you need to heal the damage caused by domestic violence.