Tea Tree Oil for Graying Hair
Things You'll Need
- Hand mirror
- Rough hand towel
- Bath towel
Stand in front of a mirror in the bathroom so that you can see the stain that is on your face. If the stain is on the back of your neck, use a hand mirror so that you can see the reflection of the back of your neck.
Apply tea tree oil to an edge of a rough hand towel. Hold the second mirror if the stain in on the back of your neck. Rub the edge of the towel back and forth along the length of the stain while making small clockwise rotations. Do this for 30 seconds.
Apply tee tree oil to a clean edge of the towel. Repeat the procedure just completed. Inspect the skin to see if the stain is now gone. If the stain is still there, repeat the procedure again before doing another inspection.
Wash the skin where the stain was with soap and water. Dry the skin with a bath towel.