How to Have a Relaxing Day at Home
Sleep in the morning until you are ready to wake up naturally. Don't set your alarm clock, and don't sleep too long either, since this could make you drowsy for the day. When you first wake up, try to keep your eyes open so you can simply relax in bed and get up within a few minutes.
Start your day with a cup of good quality coffee or tea, breakfast and your favorite morning activity, such as reading the newspaper or checking email. Make it a little more special by having breakfast on your good china or eating outside on a warm summer morning.
Do some light activity after breakfast, such as yoga. If you have a DVD to follow, do that, or simply put on some soft music and do whatever yoga poses you can remember. Be sure to breathe slowly and fully throughout your session. End with corpse pose, in which you lay on the floor with your hands at your sides and simply relax and breathe for a few minutes.
Choose your favorite foods for lunch and dinner. If you have been feeling a lot of stress lately, you can certainly include comfort foods such as pasta or chocolate, but also try to enjoy your favorite fruit or salad so you feel refreshed and not too heavy. A glass of wine with dinner can help you relax in the evening.
Relax in a way that feels right to you in the afternoon and evening. Spend the day reading, doing some light gardening or whatever you prefer. Play your favorite music as well. Take a nap in the afternoon if you feel tired, but keep it to less than 20 minutes so it won't interfere with your sleep the next night. Have a bath in the evening to end your day, complete with candles and scented oils or bubble bath.