How to Know If You Have Feminine Odor
Familiarize yourself with what is normal. Most vulvas have a slightly musky aroma that can intensify after exercising, when sweat is trapped. Wearing materials that don't breathe, and allow air to pass through -- like polyester -- can also intensify odor by trapping sweat and bacteria. So can poor hygiene. If your odor is stronger after these specific situations, this is likely normal.
Familiarize yourself with what is not normal. A very strong, fishy odor is often a sign of infection. The vulva usually has a scent, but if you practice proper hygiene, it should not be overwhelmingly unpleasant.
Note any changes. If you have recently discovered that you smell very different than how you used to, and have not changed your lifestyle or hygiene practices, this can be cause for concern. This is also something to discuss with your doctor.
Visit a doctor. Like many medical issues, there is not a one-size fits all approach for every woman. Your doctor will do a physical exam to determine if there are underlying causes for your odor, such as an infection. They will ask you questions about your lifestyle and hygiene practices, and may be able to identify the source of the odor, and if it is normal or not. They can also give you tips on improving your situation.
Discuss the situation with your intimate partner. This may be embarrassing, but if you are comfortable enough with your partner, it may be helpful to ask if they notice an unpleasant odor. Be prepared to hear the worst, and thank them for being truthful, instead of getting upset.