What Are the Benefits of Well Woman Checkups?
At the first well woman checkup, the doctor can inform you how often you should have a physical exam, pap test and mammogram. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources recommends a pap test every three years for women between the ages of 21 and 65 and for women younger than 21 who have been sexually active for three years. The Department also recommends a mammogram every one to two years for women over the age of 40. However, a doctor might schedule these tests more or less frequently, depending on your health and genetic history.
Early Detection
The biggest benefit of a well woman checkup is that a doctor may be able to detect that you have the start of a potentially fatal disease, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer or heart disease. If detected early, treatment has a better chance of succeeding and saving a woman's life. It is important, though, that you not wait for a future well woman checkup to consult your doctor if you notice lumps in your breast, unusual vaginal bleeding, or other health problems. You should make an appointment right away to have any symptoms checked.
Better Health
To promote better health, your physical exam may include blood and urine tests to check for anemia, high cholesterol, thyroid problems and diabetes. Women over 50 might also be evaluated for bone loss with a DEXA scan for osteoporosis. The doctor might also recommend other tests, based on your age, such as a colonoscopy or other screening for colon cancer, or an EKG for women who have heart issues. In a well woman exam, the doctor can prescribe medications or vaccinations to reduce the risk of disease. He might also advise a patient regarding nutrition, exercise, smoking and other health habits.
Well woman checkups also provide the benefit of health education. Doctors use well woman checkups as an opportunity to inform their patients about ways to manage health issues they may be facing. For example, a doctor might educate a patient about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. While a well woman checkup is not meant to address all chronic conditions or a new ailment, the doctor might make recommendations or set up another appointment to examine those issues.