How to Treat Sudden Spotting
Make an appointment with your doctor to diagnose bleeding. If you are pregnant or spotting becomes heavy or presents with pain see your doctor immediately or head to an urgent care facility right away, as bleeding can be a sign of serious complications.
Use a pad or tampon to control bleeding until your appointment. Note how often you switch out either your tampon or pad and what absorbency you are using. Your doctor can use this information to determine the amount of bleeding you are experiencing.
Avoid aspirin until you've seen your doctor. Aspirin can thin the blood cause spotting to last longer or even increase. Stick with acetaminophen for pain until you see your doctor.
Make a list of any possible changes in your lifestyle that could be causing bleeding. Changes that might lead to spotting include menopause, taking birth control pills, a new workout routine, a crash diet or added stressors in your life. Your doctor can use this information to diagnose what is causing bleeding and address the issue accordingly.