Uses for Sodium Nitrite Injections
Cyanide Poisoning
According to Quality Health, sodium nitrite injection can be used in cases of cyanide poisoning, which is potentially life-threatening. The injection is generally delivered through a hypodermic needle directly into a vein in the arm. Registered nurses, doctors and other health professionals are licensed and trained to administer this injection.
Angiogenesis and Arteriogenesis
According to "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," long-term sodium nitrite therapy has been proven to restore hind-limb blood flow in mice. A dosage of 165 mcg increases ischemic tissue vascular density and stimulates endothelial cell proliferation. This research has indicated that cardiovascular health can be promoted by dietary nitrate and nitrite, and that injections of sodium nitrite can promote the return of strength to blocked or damaged blood vessels, thus healing cardiovascular conditions.
Sickle Cell Anemia
The use of sodium nitrite to treat patients with acute vaso-occlusive crisis sickle cell anemia is currently undergoing clinical trials, according to The study will determine if sodium nitrite is a safe medication that can improve small-vessel blood flow and provide body tissues with oxygen. The medication would be part of a regimen that patients with this condition would be required to follow.