How to Open a Christain Drug Treatment Residential Center
How to Open a Christain Drug Treatment Residential Center
Design a treatment model. Though a variety of treatment models are used in addiction treatment, some are more appropriate for a Christian setting. The 12-step model, for example, is heavily based in a belief in God and lends itself well to a Christian setting. Thoroughly research any treatment model to ensure that it has a high success rate with the type of addictions and populations of people that you plan to treat.
Develop a business model for the treatment center. Though the primary goal of the treatment center is to help drug addicts obtain and sustain sobriety, it is important to keep in mind that the center is also a business.
Obtain funding for the drug treatment center. Loans and grants are the most heavily used sources of funding for residential drug treatment centers. A solid business plan is essential when applying for loans and grants because it serves as evidence that the center is likely to be a success.
Acquire a facility to house the treatment center. Locate a facility to purchase or rent or construct a building. Regardless of how the building it acquired, it can take several months to acquire an appropriate building, so ensure that this step is started early in the process of opening the drug treatment center.
Acquire approval from the state that the treatment center will operate in. Many states handle this type of approval through their Department of Health. A solid business plan and treatment model are essential for the success of this step.
Contract the services of the treatment center with as many health insurance companies as possible. Many people do not have the funds available to pay for treatment out-of-pocket and rely on their insurance to acquire treatment.
Hire staff for the treatment center. Administrators, mental health, and medical health professionals are essential to the success of the treatment center. Though the staff do not all have to be Christian themselves, they must be supportive of a Christian environment. Ideally, the mental health care professionals will have a strong Christian counseling background and be comfortable with incorporating Christianity into their treatment approach.
Advertise the treatment facility. The Internet, community bulletins, churches, and the offices of outpatient counselors and therapists are ideal places to advertise. Make sure all advertisements include the type of facility, cost of treatment, insurance carriers accepted, addictions treated and contact information.