How to Start a Substance Abuse Program
Consider what type of program you want to start. Twelve-step programs exist for nearly every type of addiction, such as alcoholism, narcotic addiction, overeating, love and sex, and gambling.
Contact the organization that represents the 12-step program for the addiction program that you want to start. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous would be a good place to start for alcoholism. Narcotics Anonymous should be contacted for information on how to start a 12-step program for addiction to narcotics. Ask for materials to get a 12-step program started. These organizations are ready and willing to help people start new chapters of their programs.
Locate a place available to the public to hold the meetings. Places of worship, such as churches and synagogues, and libraries tend to provide rooms for free or for a low fee for 12-step programs to use for meetings.
Advertise your meetings in community bulletins, on the Internet, and in other places that people in need of this type of program would be. Ensure that all pertinent information, such as date, time and location, are listed with the announcements.
Ensure that the meetings have a safe and welcoming atmosphere. Remind all participants that anonymity and confidentiality are key to everyone's emotional safety.