How to Measure Quality in Drug & Alcohol Treatment Plans
Things You'll Need
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Prepare a list of questions. Ask about the treatment facility's program structure. Many facilities can give you a handout that explains a typical day in the treatment center. Ask about the qualifications of the counselors and other staff. Include specific questions about family counseling and aftercare.
Visit a drug and alcohol treatment facility or inpatient rehab near you (see resources). Call ahead and let the facility know you're coming and would like the opportunity to ask questions and evaluate the program. Most facilities are open to this, especially if you give advance notice. Inform them you would like to speak to one of their counselors during your visit.
Ask to see a treatment plan. A qualified counselor should sit down with you and go over one. Due to HIPPA compliance, the counselor won't go over an actual treatment plan, but he should have a sample treatment plan he can use to explain the process. Look over the plan to ensure there is a good balance of one-on-one time with the counselor as well as group counseling. Check to see the types of educational programs offered. Anger management classes, drug and alcohol education, and classes to help clients get in touch with their emotions are all essential. Ask the counselor about specific approaches to his one-on-one counseling with clients. All of the components go into creating an effective drug and alcohol client treatment plan.