Side Effects of Taking Lipitor
Lipitor is used to help block bad cholesterol from being created within the blood. According to, Lipitor works to decrease the LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol in the blood. The lowering of this "bad" cholesterol helps to prevent stroke and other illnesses such as heart disease and vascular disease.
Drinking alcohol can increase triglyceride levels in the body. If a patient drinks alcohol while taking Lipitor, he can experience liver damage. Patients should also stay away from foods high in cholesterol as the Lipitor will not be as effective.
Common Side Effects
According to the most common side effect was headaches. Other common side effects included infections, muscle pain, diarrhea, joint pain, sinusitis, rash, abdominal pain, flu, sore throat and weakness.
Serious Side Effect
One of the more serious side effects of taking Lipitor involves the skeletal system. Taking Lipitor can cause the skeletal muscle tissue to break down and lead to kidney failure. Alert your doctor if you have any symptoms such as muscle pain, muscle tenderness, muscle weakness, fever or flu symptoms, and dark colored urine.
Lipitor causes birth defects in unborn babies. Pregnant women should not take Liptior. There have been no studies as to whether or not the drug is passed onto a baby from the breast milk.