The Side Effects of Atrazine
Atrazine is a brand name for the medicine Hydroxyzine, which is a histamine H1 receptor antagonist. Hydroxyzine can also be found under the name of Vistaril, Atarax, Atrazine or Hydroxyzine hydrochloride. The molecular formula for Atrazine as a type of Hydroxyzine medication is C21H29CL3N2O2.
Atrazine belongs to a class of medications called antihistamines. It blocks histamines from interacting with your body and causing allergic reactions. Atrazine also creates a calming effect when taken, because of the way it interacts with certain parts of the brain. Doctors prescribe it mostly as a short-term treatment for nervousness and tension associated with certain mental or mood disorders. Atrazine may also be prescribed for temporary treatment of severe allergic reactions.
Normal side-effects associated with Atrazine include drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth or headache. If you experience any of these side-effects persistently over a period of time or if they get worse, contact your doctor. Rare but serious side-effects, for which you should immediately contact your doctor, include mental or mood changes, shaking, decreased/painful urination, blurry vision, irregular heartbeat or seizures.
Allergic Reactions and Interactions
Although unusual, a severe allergic reaction to this medicine can occur in the form of a rash, swelling or itching of the face/throat/tongue or trouble breathing. Be certain to share all known allergies with your doctor before you begin taking this medicine. In addition, Atrazine may have interactions with a wide variety of other medicines. Especially let your doctor know if you already take any medications that cause drowsiness. Atrazine also can interfere with certain laboratory tests.
Atrazine is not intended for use longer than four months. Ask your doctor to periodically check your prescription to determine if it should be adjusted or changed. Atrazine should not be taken during early stages of pregnancy, as it has been shown in lab animals to cause some birth defects. The drug also has been shown to transmit to breast milk, so use is not recommended while breast-feeding.