Major Side Effects of Cellcept
Difficulty Breathing
If you experience difficulty breathing when taking CellCept, you should seek emergency help immediately. Difficulty breathing could mean you are having an allergic reaction, which could potentially be fatal if not addressed. It is important to stay as calm as possible if you begin feeling this side effect.
Urination Problems
Some CellCept users experience difficulty or pain when urinating. If this problem lasts longer than one day after you begin taking CellCept, you need to consult your doctor. Your doctor might take you off this medication.
Lack of Coordination
A sudden decrease of coordination should be looked at by your doctor. This includes everything from difficulty walking to poor eye-hand coordination. Having poor control over basic motor skills can put yourself and other people at risk.
Bruising and Bleeding
Consult your doctor if you notice your skin becomes easily bruised. You know your own body better than anybody else, so use your best judgment when it comes to this. You might also notice your skin becoming more fragile, which in turn causes bleeding. Both of these are major signs that your body is having a bad reaction to the medicine.
Vision, Speech and Memory
Sudden problems with vision, speech and memory must also be examined by your doctor. Perhaps the most noticeable of these problems is blurred vision. You may also find it difficult to speak or think of words needed to complete an entire sentence. Memory lapse often goes along with the vision and speech problems.