How to Check a Friend Into Rehab
Let them fall. Avoid continuously rescuing your friend and preventing them from suffering the consequences of their addiction.
Discuss your concerns with the friend shortly after a drug or alcohol incident has occurred. Make sure you are both sober, awake and able to talk in a clear state of mind, and that you are able to speak in private.
Tell your friend how concerned you are, and that you think it is time for help. Give specific examples of events and occurrences that support your opinion.
Try to get your friend to admit there is a problem, and that they need help. They will be more agreeable to treatment if they themselves are concerned.
Be there. Research in advance to provide treatment options when they are necessary, and continue to be there as a friend who is around to help them through a tough time, even if just to listen.
Get support from other friends and family if needed. There is strength in numbers when dealing with this type of emotionally challenging situation.
State immediate consequences to your relationship if they do not seek help. This can be difficult, so you must be emotionally ready and committed to your words. Examples may include avoiding them when alcohol is involved, refusing to go out to bars with them or ending the relationship completely.