How to Find an Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Program
Things You'll Need
- Computer And Network Support
- Yellow Pages
- Computer Mice
- Computer Monitors
- Computer Desks
- Black Ink Pen
- Notebook Papers
- Computers
Consider an outpatient treatment program if you want help but don't need 24-hour supervised care.
Research the options to decide whether you need an all-day facility, a program that meets only in the evenings and on weekends, or a less intensive weekly group. Some programs incorporate a variety of these options.
Look into 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Rational Recovery for a support group to help you at any point in the recovery process.
Check in the yellow pages under "Alcoholism" to find contact information for these and other programs.
Ask you doctor or other health care provider to help you sort through the range of options to determine the best fit for you.
Find a program that meets in the evenings or on weekends and therefore won't cut into your work schedule if your job may be at risk.
Determine other special needs, such as for child care, and look for a program that can accommodate these.
Select a program that you feel comfortable with, so that you will continue to go. It helps when the others in the group have similar problems and backgrounds so that you can relate to them and not feel so alone.
Feel free to enroll in a treatment program on your own. You don't need a doctor's referral for this.