How to Manage a Halfway House for Drug Addicts
Visit other halfway houses and talk to other managers so you know what works. Research effective halfway houses on the Internet.
Prepare to work long hours. Helping one recovering addict overcome her addictions presents a full-time challenge; helping dozens can overwhelm an unprepared manager. You might also need to fill in for staff who don't show up for work.
Hire reliable staff, including a night manager. While many halfway houses hire recovering addicts, make sure the addict has at least six months of sobriety under his belt and a good support system. You do not want a staff member relapsing; the fallout could impact residents as well. A competent night manager oversees any residents who violate house rules and addresses general safety concerns.
Establish policies and procedures for staff and residents. Enforce these as needed, without excuse. Cover any area that might be a concern. Good organization will help you manage the facility effectively. Set payment plans. Have each resident sign a code of conduct. Most halfway houses have a "zero tolerance" policy when it comes to alcohol and drugs. Decide if that is the direction you want to go.
Determine what programs you will offer, in addition to support groups. Will the support groups be closed or allow outside participants? Will you offer anger control and education classes? Other possibilities include domestic violence classes, housing assistance, religious services and financial management classes.
Maintain program credibility. Once a facility gets a bad reputation, regaining it becomes very difficult. Stay on top of residents through random drug tests. They may test the rules of the halfway house, so you need to expect the unexpected.