How to Use Winstrol Depot
Things You'll Need
- Alcohol swabs
- Band-aid
- Syringe
Schedule an appointment with your physician to discuss the benefits and risks of taking Winstrol Depot. states that you should tell your physician if you have heart disease, diabetes, blood abnormalities, kidney failure or liver problems, because you may not be able to take Winstrol Depot. Tell your doctor if you have ever had allergic reactions to steroidal medications, including hives, difficulty breathing or swelling of the face.
Speak with your pharmacist about taking Winstrol Depot. Pharmacists are very knowledgeable about medication side effects and adverse reactions. Verify that any prescription medications, herbal supplements and over-the-counter products you are taking will not interact with Winstrol Depot.
Meat, cheese and eggs are high protein foods. Eat a high-calorie diet, full of protein-rich foods while taking Winstrol Depot. The Mayo Clinic states you must follow a diet high in protein and calories in order for anabolic steroids to work properly. Consult a dietitian for advice on specialized meal plans.
Compare the directions on your prescription container to your physician's instructions and contact your physician if these guidelines do not match. Check your package to make sure the pharmacist included a syringe with your medication. Examine the expiration date on the vial of Winstrol Depot to confirm the medication is safe to use.
Choose the area where you wish to give the injection. Intramuscular injections are often given in the upper gluteus (buttocks), the upper-outer thigh and the upper arm. Clean the injection area with an alcohol swab, then let it dry.
Wash your hands well with soap and water to prevent contamination. Shake the medication vial several times, then use an alcohol swab to wipe the top of the vial. Hold the vial upside down and insert the needle of the syringe into the vial.
Pull the plunger down to extract the exact amount of medicine into the syringe, according to your physician's orders. If air bubbles appear in the syringe, inject the medicine back into the vial and extract the medicine again at a slower pace. Remove the needle from the vial and place the vial on a flat surface.
Band-aids protect injection sites from bacteria and infections. Hold the syringe like a dart at a 90-degree angle to the skin and insert the needle straight into the skin with a firm, quick motion. Push down on the plunger to inject the Winstrol Depot, then remove the needle from your skin. Press down on the injection site with an alcohol swab for 30 seconds, then put a band-aid over the site.