Foods for Candida Yeast
Avoid eating dried fruit and any fruits high in sugar. It is recommended that you eat grapefruits, green apples, lemons, raspberries or blueberries. Restricting your sugar intake will decrease the Candida in your body, so it is recommended you only eat one fruit per day.
Avoid everything but starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and yams. All other vegetables are low in sugars, so eating them will be fine. These include, but are not limited to, lettuce, spinach, onions, tomatoes, corn and cauliflower.
Meats, Fish and Eggs
Fish is healthy for you when suffering from Candidiasis. Try to buy organic meats, as they are produced with the least amount of chemicals. If cost prohibits you to buy organic, buy regular meats, but stay away from those found in the deli. Deli meats are saturated in sugars for a sweeter flavor, and they have more chemicals in order to make them last longer. Stay away from processed meats, such as hot dogs, corned beef, ham and bacon as well. All varieties of fish are okay to eat on this diet as well. You can eat eggs as long as they are not the substitute variety. Substitutes contain sugar.
Stay away from the hydrogenated oils, and stick to natural cold-pressed varieties, such as olive oil, grape seed oil, flax seed, coconut, sunflower and canola.
Avoid drinking milk and eating cheese, as they contain lactose. Lactose is a form of sugar found in milk. Yeast thrives in sugar, regardless of the type. Butter is okay to enjoy on this diet.
Water is the purest form of drink available. Avoid coffee, liquors and beer, as well as anything made with sugar. Drink herbal tea, or lemonade made without sugar. Get used to drinking water, as it is the purest form of hydration.
Nuts and Grains
You can eat brown and wild rice, quinoa, oatmeal and cornmeal. Avoid anything white as it is refined. Also, avoid eating nuts out of their shell. They are often moldy. You can enjoy any nuts that you open on your own.