Kinds of Anonymous Addiction Programs
Sex Addictions
One of many addictions that a person can suffer from is an addiction to sex. There are anonymous programs across the United States that help people overcome this addiction. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLLA) features a 12-step program designed to help those suffering from a sexual addiction. The program is free to attend, although the organization does accept voluntary contributions to help cover the costs of the program, and meetings are held on a daily basis. Like most 12-step programs, the first step for any sex addict is admitting that there is a problem. The meetings are open to both men and women.
Fellowship-Wide Services
1550 NE Loop 410, Ste 118
San Antonio, TX 78209
Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine Anonymous helps people who are not only addicted to cocaine, but all mind-altering substances such as marijuana, alcohol and other such narcotics. As with Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous is supported by member contributions. Cocaine Anonymous also features a 12-step program to recovery, inspired by the program introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. Originally established in Los Angeles in 1982, Cocaine Anonymous has numerous programs setup throughout the United States, Europe and Canada. Cocaine addicts, and those addicted to other such substances, may obtain free pamphlets to learn more about the program and cocaine addiction. The pamphlets are available in multiple languages, including Spanish, French and English.
Cocaine Anonymous
3740 Overland Ave., Suite C
Los Angeles, CA 90034-6337
Alcoholics Anonymous
One of the more well-known anonymous addiction programs is Alcoholics Anonymous, which was founded by Bill Wilson, a New York stockbroker, and Bob Smith, a physician from Ohio. Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as AA, was influenced by the spiritual teachings of the Oxford Group. The main purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is to help those addicted to alcohol overcome their desires through the act of spiritual healing. Members of Alcoholics Anonymous are often paired with a sponsor, which is someone who has been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and has completed some, if not all, of the 12 steps associated with the program in order to guide, teach and support new members who are looking to get clean and sober.
A.A. World Services, Inc., 11th Floor
475 Riverside Drive at West 120th St.
New York, NY 10115
212- 870-3400
Mailing Address:
A.A. World Services, Inc.,
P.O. Box 459
New York, NY 10163