How to Report Abuse of an Elderly Person
Courses of Action
Call 911 immediately if there is a threat of danger. Call 911 or the local police or sheriff immediately if there is imminent danger or a life-threatening situation. Types of abuse include but are not limited to: physical (hitting, burning, inappropriate use of drugs and physical restraints), sexual (non-consensual sexual contact), emotional or psychological (verbal assaults, intimidation and humiliation), neglect (refusal or failure to meet obligations for the elder), abandonment (desertion of an elder), financial exploitation (illegal or improper use of funds) and self-neglect (behavior of an elderly person that threatens his own safety).
Report suspected abuse in the community by contacting the local adult protective services agency. Visit the National Center on Elderly Abuse's website or call 800-677-1116 to find the agency in the appropriate state.
Visit the long-term care ombudsman program (LTCOP) online to find contact information for reporting abuse occurring at nursing homes or long-term care facilities. This is a federal advocacy program. Each state operates LTCOP through their Aging Department, area agencies on aging or other qualified organizations.
Utilize the local agency on aging as a support system for contact information and resources. Visit the Administration on Aging online to find local contact information.