The Proper Procedure for Using a Gait Belt
Explain the use of the gait belt to the patient before putting it on. notes that it is important for the patient to understand that the gait belt is for helping him walk: It's not a restraint. Assure the patient that you will be removing the gait belt when he has reached his destination.
Wrap the gait belt around the patient's waist on top of any clothing. The buckle should be positioned in front. Avoid placing the gait belt over tender areas, such as the breast area in females.
Thread the end of the gait belt through the buckle. This end of the belt may have a metal tip to make threading easier.
Tighten the gait belt by pulling the end through the buckle. According to, you should leave just enough space to fit several of your fingers between the patient and the gait belt. Otherwise, the belt should fit snugly against the patient.
Assist the patient in standing up. Stand on the patient's strongest side and hold onto the back of the gait belt. recommends threading your thumb through the gait belt and placing the rest of your hand flat on the patient's back (See Reference 2). Doing this allows you to feel subtle movements that may indicate a fall before you actually see them (See Reference 2).
Remove the gait belt when the patient has reached the desired destination. Thread the end of the gait belt back through the buckle to loosen the belt (See Reference 2). Do not leave the gait belt on the patient, as it may cause pressure or discomfort.