Use of Bed Rails to Prevent Patient Falls
Assess the risks and benefits of adding bed rails to the patient's bed. Individuals can potentially get caught in bed rails if unsafe rails are used, making it important to ensure that the lowest risk is attained through installing rails.
Note on the patient's chart the reasons why you elected to use bed rails, as well as any concerns unique to the patient. This will keep future medical professionals informed without having to start the assessment from the beginning.
Explain the risks and benefits to the patient or the patient's guardian to help them decide if they are comfortable moving forward with rails.
Check that the gaps on the rails are not so large that the patient or their limbs could accidentally fall through the rails, leading to potential death or injury.
Fill in any gaps between the top of the rail and top of the bed, and bottom of the rail and bottom of the bed.
Frequently monitor the patient in the bed with rails, to ensure that if they accidentally fall through the bars, they can be helped before permanent damage occurs.