Problems with Adult Diapers in the Hospital
Mental Lapses
Mentally, adult diapers can be demeaning to certain patients. Older patients who have lost some mental capacity due to Alzheimer's or dementia might not remember why they are wearing the protection. Having to explain certain scenarios to mentally deficient patients is always a battle that can cause more mental trauma than good. It must be considered how far such a patient is from a toilet a majority of the time to determine whether it is worth the potential embarrassment.
Physical Ailments
Bedsores are quite prevalent in patients who use diapers and are bed bound. Unlike babies, adults have a very different food intake as well as waste output. Sitting in their own feces for any amount of time can cause bacterial infections and irritation on the skin. This can mean the patient has to be just as closely monitored as if they were not wearing the product at all. While this saves on cleaning up after the person, it does not necessarily help if there is no immediate action to take care of the accident.
Adult diapers can also lead to laziness on the part of the patient. The type of dependence required by someone who is no longer able to take care of his or her bodily needs can lead to a reliving of the infant stage of the person's life. Hospitals can already set patients back when it comes to being capable of self-care, but adding a way for the patient to give up on caring for themselves can make the transition back to home much more difficult. One solution can be using adult briefs instead of diapers, as then the person still has some ability to care for themselves and use the bathroom if they can make it in time.