Senior Day Activities
Celebrate Seniors
Have your local town nominate senior citizens in your area for their community work. Because seniors are often retired and their children are grown, they have more time to volunteer in the community. As part of the senior day activities, have the local people nominate the outstanding seniors for doing their part, and have a special ceremony for the winner or three winners for first, second and third. Give the winner a plaque citing her contribution and a gift certificate for a local restaurant. You can also write something up in the newspaper or call local reporters to have one write an article on the winning senior.
Musical Activities
Feature some musical groups. Contact some singing groups or bands who play music from the time period of the seniors from their younger days. If the band plays music from generations through the years, so much the better. Set up a dance floor so the seniors can dance and invite their friends and family to enjoy the musical celebration. Have drinks and finger food served. You could also invite a religious musical group, such as a gospel group, depending on the seniors' religious preferences.
Hold a raffle. Seniors can sell raffle tickets to all of the visitors and their fellow seniors to win special door prizes. Call local businesses to have them donate prizes to be given away. Explain to the businesses that it goes to the good cause of supporting the senior center (if that is who is holding the senior event) and that the opportunity presents them with free advertising, such as giving away a package of wine and cheeses the store sells.
Have a picnic for senior day. This is an event the seniors can invite their whole family to attend. Have activities for their grandchildren as well, such as a bean bag toss, face painting and potato sack races. Families of seniors can volunteer their services to bring food and cook, or you can call a local business to come and volunteer for the day. Have a variety of foods for both young and old, such as hamburgers and hot dogs, salads, crackers and cheeses, and ask people to bring finger foods or desserts. This is a good activity for the spring or summer if there is a park nearby.