Assisted Living in Gainesville, FL
A popular retirement destination for decades, Gainesville offers more than two dozen assisted living facilities of various sizes and descriptions. When you find some that seem like a good fit, obtain and compare copies of their resident agreements and latest inspection reports.
Required Services
Assisted living facilities in Gainesville are required to provide at least the following services: 24-hour awake staff; provision and oversight of personal and supportive services; health-related services, such as medication management; social services; recreational activities; meals; housekeeping; laundry and transportation. There may be additional amenities, but 24-hour skilled nursing care is usually not part of the definition.
Choosing a Facility
The ElderCare Locator at or 1-800-677-1116 can supply contact information for the Long Term Care Ombudsman in charge of Gainesville. Call and find out about any complaints against facilities you are considering. An unannounced visit and candid conversations with residents and family members are essential steps to take before a decision is made.