Benefits for Military Wives in Assisted Living
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) provides a monthly benefit to survivors of veterans administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Only spouses and dependents of veterans who were killed or had a service-related injury or disease are eligible. A standard monthly stipend is allocated, but spouses in assisted living facilities qualify for a higher amount. It's important to carefully read the DIC form or talk with a counselor at your VA Office to make sure you meet all eligibility requirements.
Survivor Benefit Plan
The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) is an insurance policy available to survivors of retired military personnel. When retirees pass away, retirement benefits end. This plan ensures that surviving spouses receive a percentage of the base retirement amount in a monthly annuity. SBP requires a monthly premium. Both spouses' signatures are necessary when electing a coverage amount or making changes to the plan.
Death Pension Benefits
Death Pension Benefits (DPB) is a need based pension for surviving spouses of wartime veterans who are not remarried. The deceased veteran's service record and the spouse's countable income determines eligibility. Service requirements, tables of countable income and application forms are available on the VA website. Spouses in assisted living also are eligible for Aid and Attendance benefits to help cover the costs of the facility as well as to help them perform the functions of everyday life.
The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a supplementary healthcare plan for spouses of disabled or deceased veterans who received an injury, contracted a disease or died while on active-duty. CHAMPVA beneficiaries share the cost of health care and supplies with the VA, and the coverage is always secondary to Medicare. A complete listing of eligibility, benefits, exclusions and applications is available in the CHAMPVA handbook located on the VA website.